List of publications


more recent

Before 1990

1990 - 1993

1994 - 1996

1997 - 1999

2000 -


More recent
Van der Werf, J.H.J. 2006. Marker Assisted Selection in Sheep and Goats. FAO Invited Book Chapter 13.  
Van der Werf, J.H.J. and K.Marshall. 2005. Combining gene-based methods and reproductive technologies to enhance genetic improvement of livestock in developing countries.  In: Makkar, H.P.S, and G.J. Viljoen (Eds). Applications of Gene-based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries. IAEA/FAO Internat. Symposium. Springer, The Netherlands. ISBN 10-1-4020-3311-7.
Dekker, J.C.M. and Van der Werf, J.H.J. 2006. Strategies, limitations, and opportunities for marker-assisted selection in livestock. FAO Invited Book Chapter 7.  
Fischer, T.M., J.H.J. van der Werf, R.G. Banks, A.J. Ball  2004. Description of lamb growth using random regression on field data. Livest. Prod. Sci. 89 (2004) pp. 175-185
Wood, B.J.  J.H.J. van der Werf, and P.F.Parnell  2004. Valuing DNA tested bulls for commercial beef production. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 55, 825-831.. 
Lee, S. and J.H.J. van der Werf. 2005 The role of pedigree information in combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage mapping of quantitative trait loci in a general complex pedigree. Genetics 169: 455-466
Lee, S., J.H.J. van der Werf and B. Tier. 2005. Combining the meiosis Gibbs sampler with the random walk approach for linkage and association studies with a general complex pedigree and multi marker loci. Genetics – 171:2063-2072.
Asadi-Fozi, M., J.H.J. van der Werf and A.A. Swan.  2005. The importance of accounting for maternal genetic effects in Australian fine wool merino breeding. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 56:789-796.
Lee, S., J.H.J. van der Werf.  2006. An efficient variance component approach implementing an average information REML suitable for combined LD and linkage mapping with a general complex pedigree. Genet. Sel. Evol.38: 25-43.
Li, Y., J.H.J. van der Werf and B. P. Kinghorn. 2006. Optimization of a crossing system using mate selection. Genet. Sel. Evol. 38: 147-165
Fischer, T.M., J.H.J. van der Werf, R.G. Banks, A.J. Ball and A. Gilmour. 2006. Genetic analysis of weight, fat and muscle depth in growing lambs using random regression models. Animal Science 82: 13–22.
Van der Werf. , J.H.J. 2006. Optimal development of Australian sheep genetic resources. International Journal of Sheep and Wool Science: Vol. 54: No. 1, Paper 3, pp. 17-21.
Lee, S., J.H.J. van der Werf 2006. Simultaneous fine mapping of multiple closely linked quantitative trait loci using combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage. Genetics – 173: (in Press).
Asadi-Fozi, M., J.H.J. van der Werf and A.A. Swan.  2006. Relationship between body weight, fleece weight, skin follicle density and skin follicle number index in Australian merinos. Submitted to AJAR  
Lee, S., J.H.J. van der Werf 2006. Increase of mapping resolution using dominance relationship coefficients based on linkage disequilibrium and linkage with a general complex pedigree. Submitted to Genetics.
Safari, E. , N. M. Fogarty, A. R. Gilmour, K. D. Atkins, S. I. Mortimer, A. A. Swan, F. Brien, J. C. Greeff  and J. H. J. van der Werf. 2006 Across population genetic parameters for wool, growth and reproduction traits in Australian Merino sheep 1. Data structure and non-genetic effects. AJAR. In Press
Safari, E. , N. M. Fogarty, A. R. Gilmour, K. D. Atkins, S. I. Mortimer, A. A. Swan, F. Brien, J. C. Greeff  and J. H. J. van der Werf. 2006 Across population genetic parameters for wool, growth and reproduction traits in Australian Merino sheep 2. Estimates of heritability and variance components. AJAR. In Press
Thompson, P.N., J. H. J. van der Werf, J. A. P. Heesterbeek, and J. A. M. van Arendonk. 2006. The CHRNE 470del20 mutation causing congenital myasthenic syndrome in South African Brahman cattle: prevalence, origin, and association with performance traits. Submitted to J. Anim. Sci.
Van der Werf. , J.H.J., S. Lee and K.L. Marshall. 2006. Methods and experimental designs for detection of QTL in sheep and goats. In: Baker, L. Notter, D and Cockett, N. (Eds).  'The Outlook of Quantitative and Molecular Genetic Applications in Improving Sheep and Goats'. Small Ruminant Research (Special edition). In Press.
Safari, E. , N. M. Fogarty, A. R. Gilmour, K. D. Atkins, S. I. Mortimer, A. A. Swan, F. Brien, J. C. Greeff  and J. H. J. van der Werf. 2006 Genetic correlations among and between wool, growth and reproduction traits in Merino sheep




Before 1990

Van der Werf, J.H.J., E.J. Pollak, and R.L. Quaas. 1983. Sire predictions in selected populations. 78th Annu. Meetings of the ADSA, Madison.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1983. Single and multiple trait models for sire evaluation in a population under selection. Report no. 1, Dept. Animal Breeding, Wageningen Agric. Univ. 91 pp.

Pollak, E.J., J. van der Werf, and R.L. Quaas. 1984. Selection bias and multiple trait evaluation. J. Dairy Sci. 67:1590.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1984. Use of multiple trait mixed models for removal of bias due to selection. Neth. J Agric. Sci.33:84-86.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and S.Korver. 1985. Combining biological and economic criteria for efficiency at different levels in cattle production systems. Proc. 36th Annu. Meetings of the EAAP, Haldiki, Greece.

Jansen, J., J.H.J. van der Werf, and W. de Boer. 1987. Genetic relationships between fertility traits for dairy cows in different parities. Livest. Prod. Sci. 17:337-349.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., A.E. van Veldhuizen, and S. Korver. 1987. Relationship between young bull performance and dairy performance. In: Performance testing of AI bulls for efficiency and beef production in dairy and dual purpose breeds (eds. Korver, Averdunk, Bech Anderson). pg. 179-184, EAAP 34, Pudoc, Wageningen. ISBN 90-220-09246.

Dijkstra, J., S. Korver, J.K. Oldenbroek, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1987. Relationship between performance test and progeny test for veal and beef production in Dutch Red and White Cattle. In: Performance testing of AI bulls for efficiency and beef production in dairy and dual purpose breeds (eds. Korver, Averdunk, Bech Andersen): pg. 28-35 EAAP 34, Pudoc, Wageningen. ISBN 90-220-09246.

Korver, S., H. Vos, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1987. Performance test results of young bulls in relation to feed intake and efficiency of female progeny. In: Performance testing of AI bulls for efficiency and beef production in dairy and dual purpose breeds (eds. Korver, Averdunk, Bech Andersen): pg. 88-93 EAAP 34, Pudoc, Wageningen. ISBN 90-220-09246.

Van Reeuwijk, A.J., S. Korver, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1988. The inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in cattle. Neth. J. Agric. Sci. 36:131.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and W. de Boer. 1988. Estimation of genetic parameters for milk production traits in a crossbred population. In: S. Korver, H.A.M. van der Steen, J.A.M. van Arendonk, H. Bakker, E.W. Brascamp, J. Dommerholt (eds.): Advances in Animal Breeding. pg. 170-171 Pudoc, Wageningen.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., J.Kamphof, and H. van den Broek, 1989. Simulation studies on methods of within herd estimation of breeding values for dairy cows. Livest. Prod. Sci. 23: 239-251

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and I.J.M. de Boer, 1989, Estimation of genetic variance from selected base populations. Proc. joint Annu. Meeting of ADSA and ASAS, Lexington, USA.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and A.W. van der Lugt. 1989. Estimation of genetic parameters in populations with imported genes: effect of prior selection. Proc. 40th Annu. Meeting of the EAAP, Dublin.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and W. de Boer. 1989. Influence of non-additive effects on estimation of genetic parameters in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 72: 2606-2614.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and W. de Boer. 1989. Estimation of genetic parameters in a crossbred population of Black and White Dairy Cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 72:2615-2623.

1990-1993 Dijkstra, J., J.K. Oldenbroek, S. Korver, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1990. Breeding for veal and beef production in dutch Red and White cattle. Livest. Prod. Sci. 25: 183-196.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1990. A note on the use of conditional models to estimate additive genetic variance in selected populations. Proc. 4th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Edinburgh, XIII: 476-479.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1990. Influence of non-additive effects on genetic parameters of milk yield. Proc. 4th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Edinburgh, XIV:118-121.

Wei, M., and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1990. Selection methods using purebred and crossbred performance. Proc. 4th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Edinburgh, XIII: 289-292.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and I.J.M. de Boer. 1990. Estimation of additive genetic variance when base populations are selected. J. Animal Sci. 68: 3124-3132.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1990 Models to estimate genetic parameters in crossbred dairy cattle populations under selection. PhD thesis, Wageningen Agric. University, The Netherlands.

Van Arendonk, J.A.M., and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1991. Genetic evaluation of auxiliary traits in dairy cattle. Proc. of 23rd Int. Dairy Congr., Montreal, I:632-643.

Huizinga, H.A., J.H.J. van der Werf, S. Korver, and G.J.W. van der Meij. 1991. Stationary performance testing of stallions from the Dutch Warmblood riding horse population. I. Estimated genetic parameters of scored traits and the genetic relation with dressage and jumping competition from offspring of breeding stallions. Livest. Prod. Sci. 27:231-244.

Wei, M., H.A.M. van der Steen, J.H.J. van der Werf, and E.W. Brascamp. Relationship between purebred and crossbred parameters. 1991. I. Variances and covariances under the one-locus model. J. Animal Breeding Genet. 108: 253-261.

Wei, M., J.H.J. van der Werf, and E.W. Brascamp. 1991. Relationship between purebred and crossbred parameters. II. Genetic correlation between purebred and crossbred performance under the model with two loci. J. Animal Breeding Genet. 108: 262-269.

Van Veldhuizen, A.E., H. Bekman, J.K. Oldenbroek, J.H.J. van der Werf, D.S. Koorn, and J.S. Muller. 1991. Genetic parameters for beef and milk production in Dutch Red and White dual-purpose cattle and their implications for a breeding program. Livest. Prod. Sci. 29: 17-30.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and J. ten Napel. 1991. Estimation of genotype-environment interaction and implications for improvement programs. Proc. 42nd Annu. Meeting of the EAAP, Berlin.

Van der Werf. J.H.J. 1991. Non additive effects in sire models for evaluation of dairy bulls based on records of crossbred progeny. Interbull Meeting, Berlin.

Van Arendonk, J.A.M., H. Vos, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1991 Genetic aspects of feed intake and efficiency in dairy cows. Proc. 9th conference AAABG in Melbourne, Australia. 144-150

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1992. Restricted Maximum Likelihood estimation of additive genetic variance when selected base animals are considered fixed. J. Animal Sci. 70:1068-1076.

Van der Werf, J.H.J, and J. Hollenberg. 1992. Supercomputer applications in livestock breeding. Cray Channels, Cray. res. Inc. 17:19.

Wei. M., J.H.J. van der Werf, and E.W. Brascamp. 1992. Effect of dominance on selection schemes in poultry breeding. XIX World Poultry Congr., Amsterdam.

Luijkx, R. J.H.J. van der Werf, and A.W. van der Lugt. 1992. Estimation of parameters and prediction of functional herd life based on type traits. Publ. no. 26. Dep. Animal. breeding. Wageningen Agric. Univ.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., J.A.M. van Arendonk, and A.G. de Vries. 1992. Improving selection of pigs using correlated characters. Proc. 43th Annu. Meeting of the EAAP, Madrid.

Janss, L.L.G., J.H.J. van der Werf, and J.A.M. van Arendonk. 1992. Detection of a major gene using segregation analysis in data from several generations. Proc. 43th Annu. Meeting of the EAAP, Madrid.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and R. Thompson. 1992. Variance decomposition in the estimation of genetic variance with selected data. J. Animal Sci. 70:2975-2985.

Meuwissen, T.H.E., and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1993. Impact of heterogeneous within herd variances on dairy cattle breeding schemes: a simulation study. Livest. Prod. Sci. 33:31-41.

Wei, M., and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1993. Animal model estimation of additive and dominance variances in egg production traits of poultry. J. Animal Sci. 71:57-65.

Kennedy, B., T.H.E. Meuwissen, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1993. Genetic and statistical properties of residual feed intake. J. Animal Sci. 71:3239-3250.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. B. Engel, K. Oldenbroek, and J. Garssen. 1993. Models to definee physiological characters in early prediction of production traits. Proc. 44th Annu. Meeting of the EAAP, Aarhus.

Wei. M., and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1993. Genetic correlation between crossbreds and purebreds and its relationship with dominance variation in egg production traits. J. Animal. Sci. 71 (suppl): 106

Hovenier, R., E.W. Brascamp, E. Kanis, J.H.J. van der Werf, and A.P.A.M. Wassenberg. 1993. Economic values of optimum traits; The example of meat quality in pigs. J. Animal Sci. 71:1429-1433.

Janss, L.L.G., and J.H.J. van der Werf . 1993. Identification of a major gene in F1 and F2 data when alleles are assumed fixed in the parental lines. Genet. Sel. Evol. 24:511-526.

Groen, A.F., and J.H.J. van der Werf (eds.). 1993. Inbreeding, a problem in animal breeding programmes? Publ. no. 28. Dep. Animal Breed. WAU.

Bink. M.C.A.M., and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1993. Potential benefits of multivariate methods in genetic evaluation in pigs. Publ. no. 31. dep Animal. Breed. WAU.

Van der Werf. J.H.J. 1993. Animal models to estimate additive and dominance variance in poultry. DGFZ Genet. Stat. Ausschuss. Dresden.

1994-1996 Buis, R.C., J.K. Oldenbroek, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1994. Preserving genetic variance resources in commercial and non-commercial populations. Neth. J. Agric. Sci.: 42-1:29-36.

Oldenbroek, J.K., and Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1994. Effect of selection for milk production on efficiency and metabolic parameters of lactating heifers. J. Animal Sci. 72/ J. Dairy Sci. 77 (Suppl. 1).

Van der Werf, J.H.J., T.H.E. Meuwissen, and G. De Jong. 1994. Effects of correction for heterogeneity of variance on bias and accuracy of breeding value estimation in dutch dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 77:3174-3184.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., M. Wei, and E.W. Brascamp. 1994. Combined crossbred and purebred selection to maximize genetic response in crossbreds. Proc. 5th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. Guelph, Vol. 18:266-269.

M. Wei, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1994. Combined crossbred and purebred selection to maximize genetic response in crossbreds. Anim. Prod. 59:401-413.

Koerhuis, A.N.M., and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1994. Uni- and bivariate breeding value estimation in a simulated horse population under sequential selection. Livest. Prod. Sci. 40:207-213.

Hoekstra, J., A.W. van der Lugt, J.H.J. van der Werf, and W. Ouweltjes. 1994. Genetic and phenotypic parameters for milk production and fertility traits in upgraded dairy cattle. Livest. Prod. Sci.40:225-232.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., and J.K. Oldenbroek. 1994. Effect of selection for milk production on efficiency and metabolic paramters of lactating dairy heifers. Proc. 45th Annu. meeting of the EAAP, Edinburgh. p142.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1995. Future trends in dairy cattle breeding -international perspective. International Seminar of A.I. Virtanen. Jan-17 1995. Helsinki. Finland.

Tan in, V., G.J. Garssen, T. van der Lende and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1995. Evidence for stress mediated high progesterone release in prepubertal calves. Submitted to Animal reproduction??

Meuwissen. T.H.E., B. Engel and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1995. Maximizing selection efficiency for a categorical trait. J. Animal Sci. 73:1933-1939.

M. Wei, and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1995. Genetic correlation and heritabilities for purebred and crossbred performance in poultry egg production traits. J. Anim. Sci. 73:2220-2226.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. and P. L vendahl. 1995. Genetic parameters for induced growth hormone secretion in dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 78 (Suppl 1) p. 193.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. J.K.Oldenbroek, L Jonker and J.I.D. Wilkinson. 1995. Effect of monensin (Romensin®) on milk composition in Holstein and Jersey cows. Proc. 46th Annu. meeting of the EAAP, Prague. p. 46.

Tancin, V. G.J. Garssen, T. van der lende and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1995. High Progesterone release early in life in heifers. Proc. 46th Annu. meeting of the EAAP, Prague. p. 161.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1995. Effectiveness of selection on somatic cell counts to decrease mastitis susceptibility in dairy cows: a model study. Proc. 46th Annu. meeting of the EAAP, Prague. P. 18.

L vendahl, P., M. Nielsen and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1995. Genetic parameters for glucose induced insulin release in juvenile dairy cattle. Proc. 46th Annu. meeting of the EAAP, Prague. p.19.

Kruip,T.A.M. J.H.J. van der Werf and T. Wensing. 1996. Energy balance in early lactation of high producing dairy cows and its relation to reproduction, health and welfare. in: Groen et al (eds.) Utilization of local feed resources. WIAS Symposium, Sept 29 1995, Wageningen.

van Arendonk, J.A.M., A.F. Groen, J.H.J. van der Werf and R.F. Veerkamp. 1996. Genetic aspects of feed intake and efficiency in lactating dairy cows. in: Groen et al (eds.) Utilization of local feed resources. WIAS Symposium, Sept 29 1995, Wageningen.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 1995. Statistical software for mixed models used in animal breeding. In: Snijders, T.A.B. et al. Symposium Statische Software, nr. 7, Nov.9, Utrecht. p.59-75.

Janss, LLG, J.A.M. Van Arendonk and J.H.J. Van der Werf. 1995. Computing approximate monogenic model likelihoods in large pedigrees with loops. Gen. Sel. Evol. 27:481-584

Van der Werf, J.H.J., A.F. Groen and G. de Jong. 1996. Determining selection goals for beef production traits in dairy cattle. Proc. 47th Annu. meeting of the EAAP, Lilehammer. P. 188

Van der Werf, G.J. Garssen and F. Verburg. 1996. Effect of Leu/Val Polymorphism in the Growth Hormone Gene on Milk Production in Dairy Cattle Proc. 47th Annu. meeting of the EAAP, Lilehammer. P. 310/Submitted to J. Dairy Sci.

1997- 1999
Van der Werf, J.H.J., M.E. Goddard and K. Meyer. 1997. Use of covariance functions in a test day model for genetic evaluation of milk production traits. J. Dairy Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1): 198.
Hirooka, H., A.F. Groen and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1998. Estimation of additive and non-additive genetic parameters for carcass traits on bulls in dairy, dual purpose and beef cattle breeds. Livest. Prod. Sci. 54: 95-106.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., M.E. Goddard and K. Meyer. 1998. The Use of Covariance Functions and Random Regressionfor Genetic Evaluation  of Milk Production based on Test Day Records. J. Dairy Sci. 81:3300-3308.

S.A. Meszaros, R.G. Banks, J.H.J. van der Werf & M.E. Goddard. 1998.  Optimising age structure in breeding populations when inbreeding depresses genetic gain through effects on reproduction. Submitted to Animal Science

S.A. Meszaros, J.H.J. van der Werf & R.G. Banks. 1998. Optimising selection indices with non-linear profit for an integrated cross-breeding system in sheep.  Animal Science (in Press)

Van der Werf, J.H.J. J.K.Oldenbroek, L Jonker and J.I.D. Wilkinson. 1998. Effect of monensin (Romensin) on milk production efficacy in Holstein and Jer-sey cows. J. Dairy Sci. 81:427-433.

Meszaros, S., J.H.J. van der Werf and R.G. Banks. 1998. Genetic algorithms in optimizing sheep breeding programs.  Proc. 6th  World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. Armidale. Vol. 25:415-418.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. and M.E. Goddard. 1998. Transformation of random regression models to reduced rank. Proc. 6th  World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. Armidale. Vol. 25:597-600.

Clarke, B.E., J. Henshall and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1998. Comparison of methods of calculating genotype probabilities with and without genetic marker information. Proc. 6th  World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. Armidale. Vol. 26: 349-352

Banks, R.G., J.H.J. van der Werf. And B.P. Kinghorn. 1998. Optimal sire use policies in sheep breeding. . Proc. 6th  World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod. Armidale. Vol. 24: 15-18.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., E.H. Van der Waaij, A.F. Groen and G. de Jong. 1998. An index for beef and veal characteristics in dairy cattle based on carcass traits. Livest. Prod. Si. 54:11-20.

Hirooka, H., A.F. Groen and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1998. Estimation of additive and non-additive genetic parameters for carcass traits on bulls in dairy, dual purpose and beef cattle breeds. Livest. Prod. Sci. 54: 99-105.

G.J. Nieuwhof, A.H. Visscher, B. Engel, J.H.J. Van der Werf, F.H. De Jong, M. Dijkstra. 1998. Identification of early predictors of carriers of the Booroola gene in sheep using a mixed inheritance model. Animal Science 67:317:325.

Van der Werf, J.H.J., M.E. Goddard and K. Meyer. 1998. The Use of Covariance Functions and Random Regression for Genetic Evaluation of Milk Production based on Test Day Records. J. Dairy Sci. 81:3300-3308.

Van der Werf, J.H.J, F.J. Verburg, F.L. Harders, G.J. Garssen, and M.F.W. te Pas. 1998. Influence of genetic variants of bovine growth hormone on milk productivity. Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society et Environment. Vol.2 (special issue); page 3. Fac. Univ. des Sciences Agron. de Gembloux (Belgium).

S.A. Meszaros, R.G. Banks, J.H.J. van der Werf & M.E. Goddard. 1999.  Optimising age structure in breeding populations when inbreeding depresses genetic gain through effects on reproduction. Animal Science: 68:449-457.

S.A. Meszaros, J.H.J. van der Werf & R.G. Banks. 1999. Optimising selection indices with non-linear profit for an integrated cross-breeding system in sheep. Submitted to Animal Science

J.H.J. van der Werf. 1999. Comparison of optimal selection strategies for finite locus models involving marked quantitative trait loci. Proc. 13th Conf. of AAABG, Perth. 325-328.

J.H.J. van der Werf and R.G. Banks. 1999.  Optimizing allocation of test places in multiple trait progeny testing schemes. Proc. 13th Conf. of AAABG, Perth. 397-400.

M. Ahmad and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1999. Additive and non-additive genetic effects in Friesian, Jersey and Sahiwal crosses in Pakistan.. Proc. 13th Conf. of AAABG, Perth.243-246.

K. Marshall, J. Henshall, R.G. Banks  and J.H.J. van der Werf. 1999 . Finding major gene effects in Australian meat sheep – feasibility study for a Texel dataset. Proc. 13th Conf. of AAABG, Perth. 86-89.

S. Meszaros   and R.G. Banks  J.H.J. van der Werf . 1999 . Optimum economic weightsfor an integrated dynamic crossbreeding system in sheep using evolutionary strategies. Proc. 13th Conf. of AAABG, Perth. 122-125.

J.H.J. van der Werf. 1999. Marker assisted selection in beef cattle. Proc. CRC-Workshop, Rockhampton.

H.A. Abbass, M. Towsey, J.H.J. van der Werf and G. Finn. 1999. Modelling the evolution: The evolutionary allocation problem. In: The application of artificial intelligence, optimization and bayesian methods in agriculture. Queensland University of Technology. ISBN 1 86435 463 1. Pages117-134.

2000 - Kinghorn, B.P., J.H.J. van der Werf and M. Ryan (Eds.). 2000. Animal Breeding: Use of New Technologies.
ISBN: 0 646 38713 8. Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, University of Sydney.

Veerkamp, R.F., J.K. Oldenbroek, H.J. van der Gaast and J.H.J. van der Werf. 2000. Genetic Correlations between days until start of luteal activity and milk yield, energy balance and live weights.  J. Dairy Science 83:577-583.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 2001.  Statistical properties of residual feed intake. In. Archer, J.A., R.M. Herd and P.F. Arthur. ISBN. 1863897275. Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. Proc. CRC for Beef Quality workshop (May 2000). Armidale.pp. 88-92.

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 2001.  Use of covariance functions to select for changes in growth curves. Proc. 14th Conf. Of AAABG, Queenstown. 381-384.

Moser, G. and Van der Werf, J.H.J. 2001.  Multi-trait analyses to detect multiple interacting quantitative trait loci using a genetic algorithm. Proc. 14th Conf. Of AAABG, Queenstown. 405-408.

Marshall, K. J. Henshall and J.H.J. van der Werf. 2001. Reducing the cost of marker typing: a simulation study relevant to the meat sheep industry. Proc. 14th Conf. Of AAABG, Queenstown. 305-308.

Fulloon, O.A., A.A. Swan, L.R. Piper and. J.H.J. van der Werf. 2001. Comparison of subjective assessment and objective measurement for the classing of fine wool merinos. Proc. 14th Conf. Of AAABG, Queenstown. 513-516.

Li, Y., J.H.J. van der Werf and B.P. Kinghorn. 2001. Optimization of selection for two identified quantitative loci. Proc. 14th Conf. of AAABG, Queenstown. 265-268

Olayemi, M.E., S.  Walkden-Brown, J.H.J van der Werf and L. Le Jambre. 2001. Preliminary analysis of sire effects on resistance to gastrointestinal nematode infection in angora and cashmere goats . 14th Conf. of AAABG, Queenstown. 203-206.

Marshall, K., J. Henshall, R.G. Banks and J.H.J. van der Werf. 2002. Segregation analysis for major genes affecting growth, muscle and fat in Australian Texels and Poll Dorset. Livest. Prod. Sci. (Submitted)

Marshall, K.J., J. Henshall and  J.H.J. van der Werf. 2002. Response from marker assisted selection when various proportions of animals are marker typed: a multiple trait simulation study relevant to the sheepmeat industry.   Animal Science 74:223-232.

Marshall, K.J., J. Henshall and  J.H.J. van der Werf. 2004. Use of major gene - marker phase information when utilizing marker assisted selection: a multiple trait simulation study relevant to the sheepmeat industry.  (Animal Science in Press).

Moser, G. and J.H.J. van der Werf. 2002. Model selection in mapping quantitative trait loci using a genetic algorithm. Submitted to Genetics.

Wood, B.J., J.A. Archer, J.H.J. van der Werf. 2002. Genetic And Economic Evaluation Of Igf-1 As An Indirect Selection criterion in Beef Cattle Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Montpellier (France). (In Press)

Kosgey, I.S., J.H.J. van der Werf, B.P. Kinghorn, J.A.M. van Arendonk , R.L. Baker. 2002. Alternative Breeding Schemes For Meat Sheep In The Tropics  Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Montpellier (France). (In Press)

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 2002. Optimising selection for traits along trajectories Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Montpellier (France). (In Press)

Marshall, K. , J.M. Henshall, J.H.J. van der Werf. 2002 The effect of the level of connectivity within a breeding nucleus on response from marker assisted selection. Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Montpellier (France). Communication 22-16.

M.E. Olayemi, M.E., S.W. Walkden-Brown, J.H.J. van der  Werf, L.F. Le Jambre 2002. Genetic variability of resistance indicators for gastrointestinal nematode infection in angora and cashmere goats. Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Montpellier (France). (In Press)

Fischer, T.M., J.H.J. van der Werf. 2002. Effect Of Data Structure On The Estimation Of Genetic Parameters using Random Regression. Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Montpellier (France). Comm. 17:08.

Li, Y., J.H.J. van der Werf, B.P. Kinghorn 2002. Mate selection in parental lines to exploit known dominant QTL in crosses. Proc. 7th World Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Montpellier (France). (In Press)

Marshall, K.J., J. Henshall and  J.H.J. van der Werf. 2003. Use of major gene - marker phase information when utilizing marker assisted selection: a multiple trait simulation study relevant to the sheepmeat industry.  Animal Science (In Press).

Van der Werf, J.H.J. 2004. Is it useful to define residual feed intake as a trait in animal breeding programs? Austr. J. Exp. Agric. (In Press)

Lee, S. and J.H.J. van der Werf. 2004 Efficient designs for fine-mapping of quantitative trait loci using combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage.   Genet. Sel. Evol. 36:145-161.l.